Certification programmes

Promoting high standard urology training in Europe


Enables centres to gain insight information into consistency of their standards and areas which need improvement.

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EUSP Host Centre

Aims to streamline the certification process for training centres hosting European Urological Scholarship Programmes.

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Let’s make a mark

And improve urological training throughout Europe

The EBU Certification Programmes provides national training centres the unique opportunity to have their programmes evaluated and assessed against European standards. This assessment provides structured and individual recommendations on further improvements and development for urological training.

“EBU certification has become the European hallmark of top-quality teaching programmes that adhere to a standardised basic education syllabus within urology. It offers an international, independent and external approval of training. European standardisation of training will facilitate cross-border communication between urologists which will in turn benefit our patients.”

Dr. Stein Överby (Sykehuset i Vestfold, Tonsberg)

For today & tomorrow

Certification helps centres evolve today and improve standard in the future

EBU Certification offers quality control to training centres. This Mark of Quality provides a training centre the unique opportunity to have its training programme evaluated against European standards. This helps the centre to evolve today and improve training and patient care in the future.


Accessible training opportunities in Europe

EBU envisions that future urology training is of high quality, accessible and transparent in all European countries. We think this is possible by granting urology trainees and fellows access to updated and comprehensive information about training opportunities in Europe.