The story behind EU-ACME

Let’s make a mark: for today & tomorrow, together

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In 2004 the EBU and EAU joined their forces with the goal to improve the continuing medical education system. This resulted in the foundation of EU-ACME. EU-ACME stands for European Urology – Accredited Continuing Medical Education.

EU-ACME is based on the UEMS/EBU rules and its primary task is to assist European urologists in the implementation, promotion and organisation of continuing medical education. This collaboration offers efficient tools to ensure a professional system with extensive administrative advantages and possibilities.

The EU-ACME office is fully dedicated to facilitate the administrative and logistical process.

EBU & EAU Roles within EU-ACME

Within the EU-ACME Committee, the EBU and the EAU have equal representation and their roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.

  • Definition of the rules and regulations for accreditation of educational activities and institutions in accordance with the UEMS/EACCME guidelines.
  • Evaluation and accreditation of educational events in urology.
  • Coordination of meetings and educational courses.
  • Distribution of (semi) scientific literature and clinical practice guidelines.

EU-ACME Committee

This collaboration between the EAU – main provider of scientific and educational activities – and the EBU – an independent body – offers efficient tools to ensure a professional system with extensive administrative advantages and possibilities

Prof. Dr. M. Babjuk

EBU members
Prof. M. Rauchenwald
Prof. A. Chkhotua
Mr. M. Dimmen

EAU members
Prof. J. N’Dow
Prof. E. Liatsikos
Prof. P. Albers

Then, today & tomorrow

1998 – The EBU CME/CPD (Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development) accreditation system was launched, to control CME/CPD activities.

2009 To further the harmonisation of the European CME credit system, the UEMS & EBU signed a EACCME agreement.

Today – After a decade of intensive development, the system has grown into one of the most accepted and recognised in Europe.

Tomorrow It is expected that national CME systems for specialists will become obligatory in European countries in the near future. We anticipate that in the future post-graduate education will move away from a credit accumulation system and move toward a programme based on confidence and reliance in people.