Participation in the FEBU Exams is reserved to candidates trained or certified in an EBU member country. Participation is subject to eligibility; candidates meet one of the following criteria.

  • Final-year resident: Trained as part of an official national urology training programme.
  • Certified urologist: Holds a national urology specialist diploma.

The European Board Examinations in Urology consist of two parts:

Part 1 Written Exam.
Part 2 Oral Exam.

The timeframe between the Part 1 Written and Part 2 Oral Exam may not exceed five years. Candidates who pass the Part 2 Oral Exam receive the FEBU diploma and are granted the FEBU title.

A Fellow of the EBU (FEBU) is one who has met the educational, practice and peer review requirements set forth by the Examination Committee.
The FEBU title is considered a Mark of Quality, an added qualification and asset to one’s CV and portfolio. It does not grant any rights to the beneficiary; it is not a license to practice urology.